8 Major Landing Page Design Tips for Higher Conversions

8 Major Landing Page Design Tips for Higher Conversions

February 25, 2020 Web Design 0


In the world of digital marketing, a landing page is a page where your visitors land after clicking on a link on an email, post, or a button from another page.

A landing page is created to provide the user with important information, keep them interested, and encourage them to take action. Its role is also to collect contacts and convert that traffic into leads.

In this post, we will discuss about eight major landing page design tips that will help you optimize pages and boost your conversion rates:

Improve page loading speed

How long do visitors stay on your site and decide whether or not they should stay or leave? Only three seconds!

So, what happens if they don’t see your content because your page won’t load fast enough? Well, some people would just hit the “X” button on your page and would leave your site forever.

To make sure that this doesn’t happen:

  • Ensure that your landing page has a minimum amount of graphics and elements.
  • Search for the loading time and weight of the page with the help of special services.
  • Edit the height and weight of the images in graphics editors.
  • Images should be compressed before uploading them to the page.

Use contrasting colors

Ideally, you want your main call-to-action (CTA) should be noticeable from the rest of your landing page content.

Utilizing contrasting and complementary colors is a great way to capture your audience’s attention.

So, when you are enticing visitors to fill out a form and hit the “submit’ button, ensure that it is easy for visitors to complete the said action.

Make it responsive

Having a highly responsive site matters a lot nowadays.

A landing page that’s 100% responsive could be correctly displayed on the screens of laptops, computers, as well as tablets, and smartphones.

This is highly convenient for users because they won’t have any trouble reading from four to five-inch displays.

Come up with a compelling headline

Your headline can either make or break your landing page. That’s because it is the first thing a user sees when they visit your page.

Your headlines should not be confusing, and full of metaphors. It should address the point of the question, forming a meaningful connection with the visitor as soon as they get to the page.

Once you create a good impression, visitors stay. Create a bad one, and they leave. It is that simple.

Think about its structure

The structure of your landing page is crucial. Placing elements in a logical sequence helps visitors moving deeper into the page and compels them to take the desired actions.

Apart from eye-catching photos, you could also utilize arrows, pointing to the users’ eyes to the direction that you want them to take.

A landing page is usually laid out like this:

  • A catchy and engaging headline.
  • A contact form.
  • A relevant image or photo.
  • Features of the product or service.
  • Reviews, social proof, and case studies.

Create a killer call-to-action

The best CTAs will evoke many quick reactions. But how do you exactly do this?

By using action-oriented and most commonly understood words.

The thing is, most of your online viewers simply skim and scan your content. The simpler the words you use, the more it is going to resonate with your audience.

Meaning, the more action-oriented your CTA are, the better reactions you will be able to provoke.

Without a strong CTA, it does not matter how good your landing page is because it will simply not matter. Your CTA should be the focal point of your page.

Reduce the number of form fields

The forms on your landing page should only ask the required information from your leads.

Adopt the less is more mindset. The fewer form fields you require from your audience, the more leads you’ll be able to collect.

Split test your landing page

Utilizing an A/B testing tool to test out your landing page will boost its performance.

What happens is that you will come up with a variation of your landing page to test a particular design element, and then you get to measure which variation brings in the most conversions.

You can test out elements like color, content, headlines, CTAs, and other factors. You can also remove the landing pages that are not performing well, as well as other elements that do not help in encouraging your site visitor to take the desired action.

Just make sure that you’re not committing any A/B testing errors.


The Takeaway

A high-converting landing page is the ultimate reward of all your efforts coming into fruition. After all, this is the place where your prospects click, make a purchase, and where you earn your revenue.

So, it’s vital not to mess anything up!

Remember that creating a powerful and high-converting landing page isn’t rocket science. So, start implementing these landing page design tips, and you’ll be well on your way to engaging your visitors and converting them into loyal customers.



About the Author:

Kenneth Sytian is the Owner and CEO of Sytian Productions Web Developer Philippines. He has been designing websites and developing web apps for more than a decade. He is the driving force behind the company and influencer in the industry of web design and development in the Philippines.